This section is intended to: Encourage you as a church leader in Ministry and enable the church you serve to engage more fully in its Mission.

You will be able to access: Weekly Inspiration through our Thought for the Week; Training Resources and Top Tips.

Introducing Thought for the Week

In this brief introduction I want to tell you why Thought for the Weeks started. What they are and invite you to follow them. They are published once a week usually on a Thursday or a Friday. The explore topics related to mission, church and leadership. We hope you find them helpful.

Posted by The Entheos Trust on Friday, 16 July 2021

Thought for the Week

Each week we produce a Thought for the Week for Church Leaders. A short 3-minute thought related to Church Leadership. They are designed to make you think and are usually based on something I am struggling with or thinking through as a church leader. I hope you find them helpful. If you, do you might consider following us on Facebook to be sure to receive notification each week.

Training Resources

We have reserved YouTube for longer training videos on a variety of subjects relating to Church Leadership; Effective Mission and Community Engagement. They are designed so that you can use those that will help you encourage yourself or the church you serve to move forward in mission.