Big Ted’s Apology Story Pack


Ben gets it wrong and learns to say sorry.

Use in: Toddler Groups, Nursery, Foundation phase, Key Stage 1 or Religious Education at school, Messy Church and Sunday School. An optional short prayer is included for those who want to add that to the end of the story in a church service or assembly context.


Ben loves to play, but sometimes just gets carried away. It’s at one of these times that he ignores his parent’s wishes. Find out what happens.

Supports Foundation Phase and early Key Stage objectives:

  • Social: We need to say sorry when we have done something wrong and not blame others.
  • Spiritual: The Bible teaches us to own up when we do something wrong.

Package contains the Story (PDF file), a set of large coloured pictures (PowerPoint runtime and PDF version), a colouring sheet and A range of activity ideas including a craft sheet where the ball moves, suggestions for physical games and discussions.

Additional information

About the author and artist

Richard Hardy has worked with Toddlers and Children in a church context for several years as a minister. Richard lives in Wales. He has addressed Parent & Toddler group leaders seeking to support parents and encourage child development. He has led assemblies and taken R.S. lessons in Schools. Lucy White-Lewis is studying Animation in Wales and has produced a set of delightful original digital images to accompany the story. Images (C) Rev R Hardy