Big Ted’s Magic Makeover Little Story


A Digital Resource Pack for Toddlers and Early Years

Church, Messy Church, Sunday School, Religious Education, Toddlers, Nursery, or Foundation level, Assemblies.


Big Ted gets a Makeover.

Big Ted seems to get more and more dirty. Even he needs a wash sometimes! This story teaches children to wash after playing and getting dirty.

In an R.S. lesson or at church the lesson aims could extend further. They could learn Christians believe it is not just the outside that needs to be cleaned and when they have experienced unkindness and how prayer can help.

The craft ideas will include the youngest of toddlers – even babies. There are also directions given for making and using Oobleck with older ones.

Digital Edition Contents:

  • The story script for reading aloud.
  • Digital pictures to print / project.

Additional information

About the author and artist

Richard Hardy has worked with Toddlers and Children in a church context for several years as a minister. Richard lives in Wales. He has addressed Parent & Toddler group leaders seeking to support parents and encourage child development. He has led assemblies and taken R.S. lessons in Schools. Lucy White-Lewis is studying Animation in Wales and has produced a set of delightful original digital images to accompany the story. Images (C) Rev R Hardy

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